Spring Clean 2011

On the morning of Saturday 7th September the usually quiet avenues were disturbed by the clatter of spades on tarmac. One or two weary souls awoken by the din peered out their windows . They were greeted by an army of glove wearing, spade wielding residents who had turned out in force to eagerly clean and weed the avenues.Little by little the weeds disappeared, hedges were trimmed and the cobbles were freed of their muddy grout.

Avenues cleaned, focus turned to the the flower bed at the entrance to the Avenue .Many hands morphed a derilict area into a neat ,tidy and tilled oasis ready to be planted.
Following a hard days work the Meitheal put their feet up content with their achievements and enjoyed a cup of tea, a few sandwiches and a good old chat. Refreshments were enjoyed by all and many new aquaintenaces were made. All agreed it was one of the most successful Spring cleans to ever have taken place. The mountain of waste was a testament to the days hard work.

A very sincere thank you is to be given to everyone who came out and put in the hard work to make the day such a success.Many hands do make light work and they also make for a very good start to our entry in the tidy districts competition.
Now that we’ve cleaned the gutters we have a much better perch from which to look at the stars.

Volunteers needed for
Job: Flower bed railing ,cleaning and painting
Venue Flower bed at start of Avenue
Time: 6.00pm
Date:Tuesday 10th May 2011
Supplies: Paint brushes,Paint and masking tape will be supplied.
