Thank You

To the Residents of Ellesmere & Adjoining Avenues

A very big THANK YOU to all who participated in making Ellesmere and the Adjoining Avenues look so well over the Summer months.
If you helped to plant, water or tend to flowers in any way, we want to express our sincere gratitude for your input.
Thanks also to those who helped with the An TAISCE Spring Clean. A special thanks to those who, on an ongoing basis, pick up litter, weed and help to maintain a level of cleanliness on the Avenues.
On a separate matter we wish to advise that the Residents Association has been in contact with DCC in relation to the poor state of repair of the road surfaces, pavements and granite kerb stones on the avenues. We are attempting to devise a plan in conjunction with DCC that will result in restoration work and other improvements to the streetscape.  A meeting will be scheduled in due course to have residents’ input and lobby this plan.  All residents will be notified !
Watch this space for further details.
