29 April 2014 In response re Ellesmere & Adjoining Avenues
As per our conversation yesterday regarding Ellesmere Ave, after having spoken to my colleagues in our Pressure & Distribution dept, I am reliably informed that pressure has been boosted considerably by the works and will be further boosted significantly when we make the connection on the North Circular Road. We had planned to make that connection in two weeks but after our conversation I have decided to make this connection within the next few days before going back and finishing the top of Ellesmere Ave no# 35-52.
The reason for the drop in pressure during the works was because we had to keep the old water main and the new one going simultaneously but that has stopped for most of the main ( see attachment - coloured pink this shows what we have laid so far) . I have also handed back Doon Ave & Glenard Ave to DCC’s Road Maintenance dept, the numbers I will attach at the end of this email.
Unfortunately I would envisage the Water Division being in the street for another month but it’s better that we, as in Dublin City Council do this now as opposed to Irish Water and you can make this point, as we have done to the residents, that it’s advantageous to the residents to take a new water supply whilst we are in the area.
Another positive point is we have tested the water recently and the quality has improved dramatically even in the remaining old water main. I am conscious of your concerns regarding the Roads and footpaths etc and understand the temporary reinstatement isn’t very attractive or durable, especially as the weather heats up, usually we would send in a road sweeper but given the amount of vehicles it wasn’t practical, however we will send one up regardless within the next week or so.
I will endeavour to pursue the Roads dept to try and speed things up regarding permanent reinstatement however I would Imagine they will wait until we (Water ) have completed our works before making a decision to come in.
If I can be off any further assistance do not hesitate to contact me.
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